What do I need to do before my appointment?
Getting a beauty mark or freckles tattooed requires more than just physical prep; there are a number of things to know before your appointment. For one, it’s important to come to your session completely clean and clear-faced. All products, whether blush, eyeshadow, or concealer, will be wiped away if you show up with them.
Is this safe for all skin types and colors?
Tattoo freckles are safe for everyone of all skin colors. There are all sorts of colors that I can use. On average, I use a combination of three different colors when doing a freckle client... I use cool or warm tones depending on my client's skin tone, as well as a variety of different depths depending on how fair or dark my client's skin tone is.
What will it look like immediately after the procedure?
During the healing process, the freckles definitely start out a lot darker. They'll also look slightly raised and will develop tiny little scabs like you would with any other tattoo. Little freckle flakes will come off within five to ten days. Clients who have oilier skin will find that their tattoos heal a little bit quicker. From leaving the studio to five weeks healed, your beauty mark will most likely lighten by about 20 percent.
How to decide on placement?
Placement is a personal thing for any tattoo, but freckle tattoos tend to be centered around the same areas on the face. Artists tend to suggest placing faux freckles mainly on the nose and upper cheeks, as that’s where the sun tends to hit the face the most. This allows the tattooed freckles to look as natural as possible. The goal is to place the dots as sporadically and asymmetrically as possible; any semblance of planning or pattern can make them look fake. Definitely bring in a few reference photos.
What Is the process Like?
We first assess your skin and then use a topical numbing agent to make it more comfortable for you.
While the numbing agent sets, I will start mapping out the main framework of the beauty mark on your face, starting sporadic and adding more and more based on your personal taste. Then it's time to start tattooing!
In terms of time commitment, getting your beauty mark tattooed on can take anywhere from 45 minutes to 1 hour, depending on how many dots you’re getting done, and how many pigments are being used to create your perfect beauty mark shade.
How Long Do They Take to Heal?
The healing time is relatively quick compared to a normal tattoo. Although the dots will appear slightly swollen and dark immediately after tattooing, side effects typically start to dissipate after only a few hours—healing completely after two weeks or less. It will take anywhere from three days to two weeks for the tattoos to fully heal, and the color of the dots will fade out to a natural-looking color over the course of the following month or two.
Keep your face dry for 24 hours. After that, make sure that you're using a very mild soap and moisturizing with a non-scented moisturizer.
How Long Will The Freckles Last?
Just like microbladed eyebrows, tattooed beauty marks require regular upkeep due to the fading nature of the pigment I recommend doing a touch-up yearly to maintain.